Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

One of mans rights bestowed to American Citizens by the US Constitution is the right to keep and bare arms. I think that people of this country should exercise that right and purchase a firearm of some kind, and they should know how to use them safely and effectively.  Not only is it our heritage, but it is our duty to protect ourselves and our family, up to and including our country as well. I encourage all law biding American citizens to got out and purchase a firearm and learn how to used it safely.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Family Heritage, and My Foundation to build upon and the Legacy for my Children.

Another Republican debate

Tonight we are having yet another Republican Debate. This is the something that should have been done before the last election. If we had known more info about our current President we may not have elected him, and may not have had as many of the problems that we are currently having. the main thing is to a get a new present and hopefully a new Congress.